Donnerstag, 27. Oktober 2011


sooooo funny... the word wanderlust :)
but alright: my dictionary says it´s right ;)

Today my mom and me checked some flights to Rome. Reaaally cheap, if you want to stay fo a weekend.
So now I´m looking for a friend, who wants to travell with me... this mission is not impossible!


Sonntag, 9. Oktober 2011

France 2011

At the moment I´m in France with my whole family and friend of us.
More exactly: I´m in South France in a small town near the coast.
I havn´t expected that the houses and everything else is like in North Italy, but if you think more about it, it should be clear :)
Marseille and Florenz are on the same degree of latitude.

Result: You can learn more and more every single day!